Upgrading to latest Version

  1. Copy the contents of the owl-xxx-upgrade-packages.tar.gz to the system being upgraded (extract contents)

  2. Stop the owlweb using ./owlmanage stop=owlweb

  3. Most upgrades will contain a series of owl-postgres alter statements. If your postgres instance is owned by DBA's and access has been restricted you may have to instruct the DBA to run the alter commands. The next steps will assume you are using owl-postgres that was installed with owl thus not managed by DBA's

  4. Change directory to the owl/owl-postgres/bin directory like in the following cd /opt/owl/owl-postgres/bin

  5. Export the LIB directory where postgres is installed export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/owl/owl-postgres/lib

  6. We are ready to alter the Postgres Metastore for Owl. In order to do this we will need to location to the *.sql file that came with the tar ball (upgrade package) and the password for the owluser who installed postgres. While still in the /opt/owl/owl-postgres/bin directory we have to execute the below. ./psql -U owluser -d postgres -a -f /opt/owl/owl-postgres/bin/upgrade-to-<VERSION>.sql The command above will prompt for the postgres users password Password for user owluser: <ENTER PASSWORD>

  7. once that is complete you can validate the alter statements works by using postgres shell interactively. Example:

    ./psql -d postgres select * from public.dataset_scoring but selecting a table that has changed in the alter commands

  8. Copy off the old files in owl/bin .... first cd /opt/owl/bin/ COPY = cp owl-agent-2.0.0.jar owlcheck owl-core-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar owlmanage.sh owl-webapp-2.0.0.jar /tmp/ REMOVE = rm owl-agent-2.0.0.jar owlcheck owl-core-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar owlmanage.sh owl-webapp-2.0.0.jar

  9. Copy in new files from upgrade tar ball in step 1.

    owlcheck catalog.py





  10. run ./owlmanage.sh start=owlweb to start the owl-web application

Last updated