
  1. Obtain owl-packages.tar.gz file

  2. Extract the contents to a folder (this will become the -owlpackage argument).

  3. Optional: See Appendix about encrypting the partition using LUKS prior to installing Owl.

  4. chmod the script to allow its execution and so that we can modify the files variables.

  5. The script is the script that will drive the placement of the packages and has some arguments that can be passed to it: arguments

-non-interactive skip asking to accept JAVA license agreement

-skipSpark skips the extraction of spark components

-stop do not automatically start up all components (orient,owl-web,zookeeper, hbase)

-port= set owlweb application to use defined port

-user= set the user to run owl as

-owlbase= set base path to where you want owl installed

-owlpackage= set owl package directory

-help display this help and exit -options= the different owl components to install (comma separated list) --- owlagent, owlweb, zeppelin, hbase, orient, spark, zookeeper

-skipSpark skips the extraction of spark components

-stop do not automatically start up all components (orient,owl-web,zookeeper, hbase will not be started on completion of script)


  • The Owl tar ball has been extracted to this folder on my EC2 Instance: /home/ec2-user/packages/

  • Owl will be running as the ec2-user

  • The owl-web application will run on port 9000

  • The base location for the script to create the owl folder and place all content under owl will be: /home/ec2-user/

./ -port=9000 -user=ec2-user -owlbase=/home/ec2-user -owlpackage=/home/ec2-user/package

Example installing just the agent (perhaps on an Edge node of a hadoop cluster):

  • The Package has been extracted to this folder on my EC2 Instance: /home/ec2-user/packages/

  • Owl-agent will be running as the ec2-user

  • The base location for the script to create the owl folder and place all packages under owl will be: /home/ec2-user/

./ -user=ec2-user -owlbase=/home/ec2-user -owlpackage=/home/ec2-user/package -options=owlagent

Launching and Administering owl:

When the script finishes by default software is automatically started. The also creates the script which allows for stopping and starting of all owl services or some components of services.

The setup script will also generate an script that will hold the main variables that are reused across components (see under the config directory).

Owl Directory Structure after running

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