Setting up Zeppelin

Zeppelin is a user notebook to help clients build a variety of things such as:

  1. Owlcheck examples

  2. JDBC connections to different DB’s that a client may have

  3. Interaction with Spark

  4. Interaction with owl-core jar file

  5. amongst other things

This document is not intended to show a user how to use Zeppelin but more so to show how to setup Zeppelin for use. Please see section “Administration of Owl services” in order to make sure Zeppelin is running on the machine where Owl was instantiated. Within the Owl-web application point your browser to this end point.


As shown in the below screenshot

The ZEPPELIN_HOST and hostname need to be manually entered. Do this by clicking the “+ Add Custom Config” text and enter the appropriate values as shown above and then click ADD.

The ZEPPELIN_PORT has been set to 9091 for you already. If the port for zeppelin needs to change please make the modification to the supporting zeppelin-site.xml file located here (owl/zeppelin/conf) and change the below property.




<description>Server port.</description>


After making this change use the script to restart the services for the change to take effect. Make sure you update the port on the web application a/appconfig to match your newly changed port number and click the “Save” button.

To launch Zeppelin from Owl-web please click this icon on the left navigation bar (circled in red below). If setup properly, you should see the same “Welcome to Zeppelin!” screen as shown below

Last updated